Saturday, 30 July 2011

Little Dave in London

Little Dave and Nacho have been to visit me at my studio, they had lunch with me by the Thames. An Little Dave has a new mate, Tommy the tiny toad Awwwwwwwwww

Thursday, 14 July 2011

...and Friends

These are some of Little Dave's Friends, Nacho, Boxer bubby and Ram-Bubby ! They are Bubby Darlings too...

Nacho likes a nice cup of tea and Ram-bubby is on one of his missions here, I'm sure I have pics of him in a canoe I'll hunt for them and post, and boxer bubby is chillin out on my lovely departed Reggie ( love you Reggie baby xxx)

Little Dave and more of his friends will be going out over the weekend, I'll keep you up to date with what they get up to !